Final Reflection

The Module My decision to take this Bio-Enterprise and Employability module was really easy to make, I didn’t want to pack either of my semesters with too many modules and over stress myself and during a conference in my second year one of the students had told of how he obtained an internship from this... Continue Reading →

Business Plan

Business Plan Inevitably after the Dragon’s Den workshop, we went on to create our own business plans following the same guidelines so we were familiar with what we were doing. The Build-Up As with most university assignments we were lectured on different aspects of creating a business in the previous weeks to our deadline. Each... Continue Reading →

Dragons Den

  What better way to terrify a group of tired students at 9am than put them into random groups and tell them to come up with a business idea together and pitch it a few hours later with advertising material to some local business people? Business Idea After being advised not to use any ideas... Continue Reading →

Careers Café

  Another event organised was the careers café where we welcomed back a panel of Bangor University graduates so they could tell us all about their career paths since graduating and offer out any tips as well as taking our questions.   The Panel Welcomed back to the university on this panel were; Beth, Nia,... Continue Reading →

The Assessment Centre

Of course after the job hunting, and writing of CV’s and cover letters you’re hoping to be offered a job, but not before an interview. With this is mind it worked well that the second additional session was an assessment centre aimed at giving us experience interviewing people for roles and being interviewed. The Set... Continue Reading →

Updating a CV

In the first of the additional sessions ran through this module, we were challenged with updating our CV. Sounds easy, right? After initially hearing about it I was very sceptical, given that I already had a CV that had gotten me job opportunities in the past and one I’d had assistance with creating from the... Continue Reading →

Realities of Modern Conservation

The Need for Conservation In modern times we’ve been trying to put more effort into conservation and implementing protected areas yet this hasn’t altered the consistent increase in extinction rates, dating back to the 16th century. In addition to all the other pressures we put wildlife under this is leading to the increase in the... Continue Reading →

LSTM’s work targeting snakebite

  With the third year module ‘Advances in Herpetology’ we were lucky enough to visit Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM)Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM), an institution I’d been eager to visit for some time dating back to studying at Reaseheath College, and be given a tour of their venomous facilities! Snakebite Envenomation is... Continue Reading →

Student Volunteering at Bangor University

Why Should You Volunteer? Volunteering appears to be a normal experience in every young persons’ life, whether that’s to pass the time, gaining experience or building your CV. Volunteering is an amazing tool when trying to develop, learn new skills and progress into future careers. One of the better things about volunteering is it’s often... Continue Reading →

Eager for Welsh Beavers

Their Plight Beavers haven’t always had the easiest of times in Wales; despite once being widespread across Wales the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) found itself the victim of hunters seeking their fur, meat and scent organs. In a comparison with examples such as Eurasian badgers (Meles Meles) or the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) which are... Continue Reading →

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